Yeah I have to be around your in my favorites now(no homo) and your mku series has become my favorite other than VG exiles and War of the Realms. To tell you the truth your choreography in your flashes are the best because you stick to hand to hand more than special moves all the time. Plus the characters you choose in your flashes are the some of the best in their franchises. So keep up the hard work and keep us updated.
P.S. Can you take the characters that we talked about in consideration for mku?
Cool i never seen someone use reiko in a flash lol he is owning cyclops.
smoothuser (Updated )
Reiko looks cool to me and ever since downloading him i've always wanted to use him in a flash. He almost made it in the MKU flash. He still might be in there somwhere, but I'm not animating that one right now. I'm glad you're still around Ryukang haha.